Doctoral Journeys (Hybrid Event)
Date: 17 March 2022
Time: 17:00-18:30 (GMT)
In-person: G-31, Jubilee Building (Sussex Campus)
Online: (Zoom Meeting ID: 998 3060 5809)
This hybrid event organised by the Middle East and North Africa Centre at Sussex (MENACS)and co-sponsored by the BRISMES Graduate Section will be particularly relevant to doctoral students (especially those in their first and second years).
Three Sussex doctoral finalists will be talking about their experiences as international doctoral researchers at Sussex. The discussion will be interactive and attendees will be able to engage with the speakers and consider various approaches to conducting doctoral research (what’s worked, what hasn’t and how we could do things differently to improve the experiences of doctoral researchers and international students).
All welcome!
Chair: Dr Feras Alkabani (Lecturer in Arabic and Comparative Literature and Co-Director of MENACS)
Database of Expertise
The Database of Expertise in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies provides a publicly available list of MENA experts with their research and areas of expertise.
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